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Our Environmental, Social and Governance Goals

As Market Financial Participant as per Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (“SFDR”), 6M shall lead by example and make sure 6M’s operations involving energy use, paper consumption, employee travel, water use and waste generation are limited to the utmost possible.

Environmental goals:

  • Air conditioning and heating system are controlled;
  • Lights are linked to movement detectors to avoid unnecessary usage;
  • We provide our employees with electric charging points for their vehicles;
  • Carbon footprint of our consumption is offset;
  • We shred and recycle all confidential documents;
  • Employees teleworking is ensured in accordance with applicable laws while business travelling is limited to strict necessity and to the senior management level, and conference calls communications privileged.

Social goals:

  • Create an inclusive hiring process and ensure diversity at Management level;
  • Ensure flexible work hours for everyone irrespective of their gender;
  • Ensure gender pay gap is avoided;
  • Ensure that everyone get similar training and learning opportunities within 6M.

Governance goals:

  • Define the roles and responsibilities of the corporate bodies and functions responsible for supervising and / or managing the implementation of its ESG integration strategy;
  • Ensure high standards of governance;
  • Ensure an efficient reporting system to the Board of Managers.

Adherence to ESG criteria starts from their integration into the value system which is the DNA of 6M. 6M has indeed adopted values which strengthen on the internal organizational level a model oriented towards sustainability.

These values guide 6M’s operating model and aim to generate positive effects on 6M’s environment (6M’s employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and board members). Please refer to the Values section of our website to know more about 6M values.